A typical souvenirs Banyuwangi shaped pastries made from flour and sago. Bagiak typical cake is not as hard as it seems Banyuwangi bagiak of Maluku, even more similar to the aroma of spice cake keningar syringe.
Composition mentioned are tapioca, sugar, etc. Available in 4 different flavors: keningar, ginger, peanuts, milk.
Cawuk Rice
The food is typical of other foods from Banyuwangi. Rice with vegetables made from shredded coconut sambal / gecok, this is supposedly a favorite menu Sheikh Siti jenar. Rice is suitable for breakfast menu.
Banana Sale
Sale bananas are foods / snacks typical of Banyuwangi. There are two kinds of banana sale, the sale of flour and fried plantain bananas molen sale. Sale linings are foods produced from thin combed bananas then sun drying. Sale banana production in Sub Klatak (Kalipuro), Lateng, Singonegaran, Kebalenan, Penganjuran, Mojopanggung, District Glagah, Songgon, Sukonatar, Bangorejo, Buluagung, Siliragung, and so forth.
Soto Rujak
Soto rujak is one of the specialties of Banyuwangi. Rujaknya like salad's East Java generally, sliced rice cake is spiked with spinach, bean sprouts, cucumber, tofu, and tempeh, sauce spiked with peanut paste and brown sugar. Such as East Java generally salad, sauces wear banana kluthuk diuleg stone with other spices. Fresh rujak was then washed with a dilute soup tripe soup and yellow.
Tempong Rice
Tempong rice dishes are the hallmark of this Banyuwangi. This kind of rice with vegetables rice typical of the city of Banyuwangi. The difference, located in what seemed a very spicy sauces. Why called Sego Tempong (smack)? because after eating sego tempong slapped because it feels like spicy. For lovers of spicy food, you should try this food.
Source Link : Makanan dan Jajanan Khas Banyuwangi
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