Thursday, 13 October 2011

History of Gandrung (Banyuwangi)

Banyuwangi infatuated arts coincided with forest dibabadnya "Tirtagondo" (Tirta Arum) to build capital replacement Balambangan Pangpang (Ulu Pangpang) on ​​the initiative of Mas Alit who was inaugurated on February 2, 1774 at Ulupangpang Similarly, among others, as told by the elders Banyuwangi past.
Regarding the origin of art devoted to Joh Scholte, among others, wrote in his paper as follows: Originally he was traveling to youth villages with music player that plays drums and fly and as a reward they were given a gift of rice they brought in a bag. (Gandroeng Van Banyuwangi, 1926, Chapter "gandrung Men").

What is written by Joh Scholte, not much different from that conveyed the story said for generations, that crazy originally performed by men who carry equipment such as drums and percussion some tambourine (fly). Their daily rounds of the places inhabited by the remnants of the people Balambangan east (today this includes the District. Banyuwangi) who supposedly lived in number about five thousand inhabitants, due to the war by storming the Company who assisted Mataram and Madura in 1767 to Balambangan of Mangwi seize power, until the expiration of the war Bayu sadistic, cruel and brutal won by the Company on October 11, 1772. It is said that the number of people who died, escaped, captured, missing are unknown or in Selong (on waste) by the Company of more than sixty thousand souls. While the rest who lived about five thousand people displaced live with a very unfortunate situation disintegrated scattered in the villages, in the interior, and many were belindung in the forests, made up of parents, widows and children who do not longer have parents. (been orphaned piyatu) and in addition there is also fled away to another country. Such as Bali, Mataram, Madura and others.
Once after a show devoted to receive some kind of reward from the population that is able to form rice or other crops and so on. And the fact that it seems as the reward, a contribution that will be distributed to those who are very poor condition and is in need of assistance dipengungsian, both those displaced in the countryside, in the interior, or the jungle-forest survive with all her suffering though warfare has after.
Regarding those who insist on living in the forest with the sorry situation, alluded to by C. Lekerkerker who wrote some of the events after the Bayu be destroyed by the onslaught of the Company on the date of October 11, 1772, are as follows: On November 7, 1772, as many as 2505 men and women have surrendered to the Company, Van Wikkerman said that Schophoff has sent prisoners drown man accused of fomenting amok and who had eaten the flesh of a corpse Van Schaar. Also said that the Madurese had captured the women and children as a result of war. Some of those who managed to escape into the jungle has died from their misery. So air caused rotting corpses until long distances. The others settled jungle-like forests; Pucang Kerep, the Great Kali, evening and so on. And they remain tough in the jungle with all the suffering [3].
Thanks to the emergence of which is used as a tool devoted to the struggle and are at all times often held performances by visiting places that are inhabited by the remnants of the people who live in rural disintegration, in the interior, and even that is settled in the forests with the situation of concern, then they would go back to its original home kekampung start a new life form or in part of them were cut down forests Tirta Arum who then lived in the new capital was built on the initiative of Mas Alit. After completion of the newly built capital city known as Banyuwangi in accordance with the connotations of the name dibabad forest (Tirta-arum). From the description it is clear that the purpose of this art is born to save the remains of people who had been killed out by the Company and the earth Belambangan rebuild the devastated east ravaged by the invasion of the Company (ie which today includes Banyuwangi regency) .
The first woman infatuated known in history was infatuated Semi, a little boy who was then ten years old in 1895. According to the story credible, then Semi severe illness. Already done all the way up to the shaman, but Spring was also recovered. So mom Semi (Mak Midhah) vowed as "sira Kadhung sane, sun dhadekaken Seblang, kadhung yo sing sing" (If you're cured, I made you Seblang, if not so not so). Apparently, Semi finally healed and made Seblang at once begin a new chapter with ditarikannya infatuated by women.
According to historical records, the first time infatuated danced by men who dressed as women and, according to Scholte (1927), the main instrument that accompanies this dance is devoted lanang drums. At that time, the violin has been used. Nevertheless, these men infatuated gradually disappeared from Banyuwangi circa 1890s, allegedly because Islam forbids all forms transvestisme or dress up like women. However, dance crazy new male totally disappeared in 1914, after the death of the last dancers, namely Marsan.
According to some sources, born to entertain gandrung forest loggers, accompanied the ceremony asked for survivors, with regard to a haunted forest clearing. [4]
Semi infatuated tradition performed is then followed by his sisters using gandrung first name as her stage name. The art continues to grow then across Banyuwangi and the iconic local specialties. At first devoted only be danced by the descendants infatuated dancers before, but since the 1970's started a lot of young girls who are not descendants of the study devoted to this dance and make it as a source of livelihood in addition to the increasingly desperate to maintain its existence since the end of the century -20.

Source Link : Wikipedia

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